National interest <p> It is a journal that presents research articles. and academic articles The scope covers academic work in geopolitical science. Geo-Economics and Innovation, prepared on a 3-month basis, aims to be a source of knowledge development in the field of geopolitics landscape economics and innovation and is a source for disseminating academic and the creative work of the faculty Educational personnel and students</p> en-US <p>National Interest Academic Journal under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License The journal allows access or distribution of academic work without charge or registration. To support the exchange of knowledge Scope covers academic work in geopolitics. Geoeconomics and Innovation <br />Users can share, copy and distribute all information published in National Interest Academic Journal in any form or medium subject to the following conditions:<br />Citation — Permission to use, reproduce, distribute, or modify the work. But credit must be given to the owner of the work. If the work is used without credit, the name of the owner of the work will be Must obtain permission from the owner of the work first.<br />Noncommercial — The work may be used, reproduced, distributed, or modified. However, the work or article may not be used for commercial purposes. <br />Cannot be modified — The work may be used, reproduced, and distributed. But do not modify the work. unless permission is received from the owner of the work first</p> (Dr. Jakkrit Siririn) (kamon suwannarat) Tue, 08 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0700 OJS 60 How to formulate and execute policies that will ensure economic development on their own. <p> Russia's economic growth model has transitioned from a monetary liberal model to a greater emphasis on domestic consumption and the substitution of imported products and services. This shift occurred because Russia overestimated its dependence on foreign capital markets and the relatively small potential size of its GDP compared to Western scenarios. The new model is designed to address the structural imbalance between production and consumption, with a focus on high-tech companies and the establishment of self-accessible industrial infrastructure. This approach guarantees economic growth independently, regardless of external factors, thanks to the utilization of local labor and capital. The demand for a more streamlined economic system and the ineffective payment system in the United States further accelerated the change.</p> Shinasak Suwanachariya Copyright (c) 2024 National interest Tue, 08 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0700 The Urgent Need for Global Pandemic Legislation to Protect from Future Pathogens <p style="font-weight: 400;"> Pandemics have profound implications for global health, economies, and social structures, requiring urgent reforms in global health governance. The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted significant gaps in preparedness, inequity in resource distribution, and the limitations of voluntary frameworks like the International Health Regulations (IHR). This paper explores the necessity of implementing binding global pandemic legislation that addresses early detection, rapid response, equitable resource allocation, and legal enforcement mechanisms. Case studies of previous pandemics, including COVID-19, Ebola, and HIV/AIDS, provide lessons for crafting this legislation. By analyzing the deficiencies in current systems and proposing actionable legal solutions, this paper outlines how pandemic legislation can serve as a safeguard against future global health crises.</p> Sanjay Pooran Copyright (c) 2024 National interest Tue, 22 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Analysis of Security Cooperation between India and ASEAN in the Global South <p> In recent years, the intensification of great power games has led to an increasingly significant role for countries in the global South in the international community. A series of actions by southern countries, such as insisting on strategic autonomy and refusing to take sides, have made the global South an important strategic force in shaping the international order. India and ASEAN countries, as important members of the global South, have a long history of cultural exchange and common security concerns. This article aims to conduct an in-depth analysis of the security cooperation between India and ASEAN from the perspective of the global South, in order to reveal its important role in regional and even global security governance.</p> Changhong Jiang, Yucong Fan Copyright (c) 2024 National interest Wed, 30 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0700 The Impact of Digital Tools on the Development of Creative Thinking in Students: Methodological Approaches and Educational Strategies <p> The article examines the influence of digital technologies on the cultivation of creative thinking, an essential ability for the 21st century. It addresses collaborative platforms, virtual learning environments, and interactive apps that augment student participation and foster innovation. The study emphasizes the significance of incorporating these tools into educational methodologies, including active learning, project-based learning, gamification, and augmented and virtual reality technologies. The paper highlights the pragmatic elements of executing these tactics, taking into account individual student traits and degrees of digital literacy. It asserts that digital technologies improve educational quality and equip the younger generation for the contemporary world.</p> Boychuk , M., Leybyk, L.,&, Hudzenko, O. Copyright (c) 2024 National interest Thu, 31 Oct 2024 00:00:00 +0700