Parental Purchase Behavior and the Development of a Cow's Milk Allergy Product for Lactose Intolerant Children


  • Parameth Voraseyanont Graduate School of Management and Innovation, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand
  • Duangkamon Lilitkarnpot Graduate School of Management and Innovation, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand
  • Supina Supina Hospitality & Tourism Program, Universitas Bunda Mulia, Indonesia


Lactose Intolerant, Cow's milk allergy product, Alternative snack, Purchase behavior, Product’s development


This research investigated the appropriated appearances of snacks, required by parents of lactose intolerant children. Qualitative research was used to collect data from 12 people. The findings are divided into five themes, (1) food allergy in children, including; types of allergic food, symptom identification, manifestation, allergic factors and symptom development of lactose intolerant children, (2) how to treat lactose intolerant children, including; caregivers of lactose intolerant children, how to take care of lactose intolerant children, how to treat a child with allergic symptoms and how to avoid food with cow’s milk, (3) eating habits and Alternative food and snack for children with cow’s milk allergy, including; collective behavior for food and snack eating, food intake,  snack intake, factors affecting snack intake of lactose intolerant children, normal snack desire, frequency of snack intake, why lactose intolerant children are allowed to eat snacks, types of food and snacks permitted by parents, (4) purchasing decisions, including; parent’s cognition,  price,  store, salesperson, advertisement, membership and promotion, and (5) parental purchase decision to buy snacks for lactose intolerant children. This theme includes an ideal snack for lactose intolerant children below 10-year-old, purchase decision influencer, decision makers, purchase decision factors and reason to purchase alternative snack. Purchase decision factors include purchase period, purchase quantity, packaging size, purchase frequency, price range and store.












How to Cite

Voraseyanont, P., Lilitkarnpot, D., & Supina , S. . (2021). Parental Purchase Behavior and the Development of a Cow’s Milk Allergy Product for Lactose Intolerant Children . Thammasat Review, 24(2), 133–148. retrieved from