Like Me by My Profile: The Role of Types of Online Cues and Information Congruence on Online Impression Formation
Online impression formation, Online cues, Information congruenceAbstract
With adolescents at the forefront of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) adoption, the researchers investigated the online cues that influence online impression formation. This is based on the premise that social cues contribute to the formation of people's impressions of others, and that these impressions in turn influence behavior. On the assumption that computer-mediated communication (CMC) is socially impoverished, it was hypothesized that, given limited exposure, trustworthiness impressions would be predominantly based on visual cues (i.e., photos) rather than verbal cues (i.e., statements). In addition, it was hypothesized that the type of online cues (visual, verbal, or mixed) and information congruence (congruent, incongruent) would influence trustworthiness impressions of an online target, which would in turn influence behavioral intentions to engage in future interactions. Participating in the investigation were one hundred forty-five (145) junior high school students. Except for the function of the type of online cues (visual, verbal, or mixed) on trustworthiness impressions, where no main effect was found, all study hypotheses were supported. Overall, the results are consistent with the lens model (Brunswik, 1956) which proposes that online cues correspond to a target's trait, and that observers use these online cues to form impressions of the target, as well as the warranting theory (Walther & Parks, 2002; Hall, Pennington, & Lueders, 2013) which proposes that observers assign warranting values to online cues, thereby creating a link between the online and offline self. Given the benefits and risks of ICT, the findings of this study have significant implications for understanding the psychological mechanisms that facilitate online behavior, particularly among young users.
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