Demographic Factors Affecting Receptivity of Humanoid Robots in Thailand: An Empirical Study


  • Alexander Franco Faculty of IBM Department, Payap University, Thailand
  • Scott S. Roach Faculty of MBA Program, Stamford International University, Thailand


Cross-cultural studies, Humanoid robots, Receptivity, Thailand, Workplace acceptance of robots


The exploration of the degree of cultural receptivity (potential workplace acceptance) of humanoid robots is important for the design of robotic agents and factors into the intricate and complex relationship between culture and human-robot interaction. The body of academic literature on potential user acceptance and culture has grown in anticipation of the inevitability of widespread use of humanoid robots. This includes studies that have examined components of the technology acceptance model (TAM) and the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) model regarding humanoid robots. However, while such inquiries have been examined in many countries, the nation of Thailand has been neglected. Therefore, this exploratory study is a pioneering effort in that respect and, while most studies have narrowly focused on psychometric considerations such as anxiety and fear, this study is unique in comprehensively examining perceptions of receptivity within the workplace. Graduate students (Thai and non-Thai) from                  the English-medium division of an MBA program at an international university in Bangkok, comprised the sample population, thus allowing for in-group and between group comparisons. Receptivity was examined utilizing hypotheses with the independent demographic variables of gender, marital status, age, employment status, and ethnicity. Findings indicated partial support for all the independent variables, with ethnicity revealing the most statistically significant differences. The examination of ethnicity revealed, not only significant differences between Thais and non-Thais, but also differences between Chinese Thai and Thais of non-Chinese ancestry. Also, gender significantly affected perceived usefulness as per the TAM and UTAUT models.


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How to Cite

Franco, A., & Roach, S. S. (2023). Demographic Factors Affecting Receptivity of Humanoid Robots in Thailand: An Empirical Study. Thammasat Review, 26(1), 24–56. Retrieved from