Intention to Train Tertiary Vocational Education in Animation and Visual Effect: Extended Theory of Planned Behavior


  • Chanta Jhantasana Faculty of Management Science, Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University under the Royal Patronage, Thailand


Intension to Train, Animation and Visual Effect, Tertiary Vocational Education, Rajabhat University, Theory of Plan Behavior


The purpose of this analysis is to examine the intention to study animation and visual effects in one-year programs using the extended theory of planned behavior (TPB) that establishes the characteristics of the program as a background variable. The background factor uses the composite model as an emergent variable, while all the others use latent variables as a common factor model in the partial least square structural equation model.  The 606 sample sizes were gathered in the provinces which experienced a lower pandemic during COVID-19. The results suggest that animation and visual effects programs have a positive relationship with attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control, but no significant relationship with intention to study animation and visual effects. The attitude and subjective norms were a significantly related to the intention to study animation and visual effects in a one-year program, while perceived behavioral control did not have significant relation. This circumstance, however, increases the attractiveness of developing these types of programs at certain Rajabhat universities. There are some considerations that should be discussed in the development of tertiary vocational education of animation and visual effects, in Thailand.


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How to Cite

Jhantasana , C. . (2023). Intention to Train Tertiary Vocational Education in Animation and Visual Effect: Extended Theory of Planned Behavior. Thammasat Review, 26(1), 140–171. retrieved from