Dispute Settlement Mechanism for Economic Conflicts in ASEAN


  • Sunida Aroonpipat Faculty of Political Science, Thammasat University, Thailand


ASEAN, Thailand, Dispute Settlement Mechanism, Economic


The institutional configuration of ASEAN has been perceived for its uniqueness in which the member states have not been willing to sacrifice their sovereignty to the regional organization. One of ASEAN’s key elements that help illustrate the organization’s lack of resolve in realizing its regionalist institution in accordance with the supranational form is the Dispute Settlement Mechanism (DSM). Over the past two decades, the DSM has evolved from a traditional, diplomacy-based to a rule-based system. However, the practice and implementation within ASEAN have demonstrated a certain degree of reluctance.

This article primarily focuses on the uniqueness nature of the Dispute Settlement Mechanism within ASEAN.  By exploring its evolution and its viability to settle dispute among ASEAN members with a particular emphasis on the initial phase of DSM development leading up to the 2004 Enhanced Dispute Settlement Mechanism (EDSM). Four key challenges are identified through this exploration: ASEAN's exclusive jurisdiction and the issue of forum shopping, the impracticality of the EDSM, funding constraints, and the influence of the ASEAN Way. This analysis aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of ASEAN’s distinct institutional configuration through the cases of economic conflicts.


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How to Cite

Aroonpipat, S. (2023). Dispute Settlement Mechanism for Economic Conflicts in ASEAN. Thammasat Review, 26(2), 322–345. Retrieved from https://sc01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/tureview/article/view/240639