Discovering the Untapped Objectives of Cultural Diplomacy


  • Sofia Trisni Department of International Relations, Universitas Andalas, Indonesia and Doctoral student of International Relations, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia
  • Teuku Rezasyah International Relations Department, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia
  • Junita Rachman International Relations Department, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia
  • Chandra Purnama International Relations Department, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia


Cultural diplomacy objective, Indonesian Arts and Culture Scholarship, Soft power, Public diplomacy, Student mobility program


Many countries have utilized cultural diplomacy throughout history to approach foreign audiences, attract them, and achieve the implementing government's goals. However, cultural diplomacy is still often overlooked and underestimated despite its long-standing use. As a result, the scientific development of cultural diplomacy has been impacted, making it less advanced than other sciences of similar age. Despite these challenges, there are still opportunities to contribute to cultural diplomacy today. Our research aims to take advantage of these opportunities by analyzing testimonials from 52 Indonesian Arts and Culture Scholarship alumni we found in a book published by the Indonesian Foreign Affairs Department to identify the objectives of cultural diplomacy. We conducted a study on the alumni testimonials of student mobility programs and identified 292 citations, which we coded and grouped into ten themes. Based on these themes, we developed ten cultural diplomacy objectives. We compared our findings with the objectives suggested by experts and discovered that six of our objectives align with theirs. However, the remaining four objectives are unique and have the potential to make significant contributions to the country if utilized effectively. It is fascinating to see how pure arts and cultural activities can evoke strong emotions, demonstrating the potential of soft power. Well-implemented cultural diplomacy can help achieve the implementing government's objectives and contribute to the country's growth and development.


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How to Cite

Trisni, S., Rezasyah, T., Rachman, J., & Purnama, C. (2023). Discovering the Untapped Objectives of Cultural Diplomacy. Thammasat Review, 26(2), 346–368. Retrieved from