The Mediating Role of Perceived Value, Brand Awareness, and Brand Loyalty in Tourism Revisit Intention among High-Quality Tourists in Thailand


  • Watit Intuluck Department of Business Administration, Dusit Thani College, Thailand
  • Chakrit Srisakun Department of Business Administration, Dusit Thani College, Thailand
  • Surakiat Tadawattanawit Department of Business Administration, Dusit Thani College, Thailand


Brand attributes, Brand awareness, Brand loyalty, Tourism revisit intention, High-quality tourists


This study aims to examine the mediating roles of perceived value, brand awareness, and brand loyalty in the correlation between brand attributes and tourism revisit intention among high-quality domestic tourists in Bangkok, Thailand. In this study, the Hayes Process Macro methodology is used to test for the mediating effects with a sample comprising 163 high-quality tourists. The research seeks to offer insights into the factors influencing tourists' decisions to revisit Bangkok. The study's results reveal that perceived value, brand awareness, and brand loyalty collectively act as mediators in the relationship between brand attributes and tourism revisit intention. This underscores the significance of these three factors in influencing the decision-making process of domestic tourists contemplating a revisit to Bangkok. This research contributes original insights into the interplay of brand attributes, perceived value, brand awareness, and brand loyalty in shaping tourism revisit intention, particularly among high-quality domestic tourists. The findings offer a nuanced understanding that can be leveraged by tourism marketers to formulate more effective strategies aimed at attracting and retaining this specific tourist segment.


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How to Cite

Intuluck, W., Srisakun, C., & Tadawattanawit, S. (2024). The Mediating Role of Perceived Value, Brand Awareness, and Brand Loyalty in Tourism Revisit Intention among High-Quality Tourists in Thailand . Thammasat Review, 26(2), 395–422. retrieved from