Organisational Greening Process and SMEs’ Performance in the Textile Industry: Evidence from Pakistan


  • Riffut Jabeen Department of Business Administration, Ghazi University, Pakistan
  • Ploypailin Kijkasiwat Faculty of Business Administration and Accountancy, Khon Kaen University, Thailand
  • Fahad Zain Department of Business Administration, Ghazi University, Pakistan
  • Chee Yoong Liew Department of Accounting & Finance, Faculty of Business and Management, UCSI University, Malaysia


Organizational Green Culture, Green Innovation, Green Finance, SMEs’ Performance, Textile Industry


This study aims to investigate the influence of organizational green culture (OGC), green innovation (GI), and green finance (GF) on the performance (FP) of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Pakistan's textile industry. The research adopts a quantitative and cross-sectional research method, collecting primary data through structured questionnaires completed by managers and senior employees of SMEs in the textile industry in the Punjab province of Pakistan. The study employs Stakeholder Resource-Based View Theory to gain a better understanding of the impacts of organizational green culture, green innovation, green finance, and SMEs’ performance. Statistical tests, including demographic analysis, descriptive statistics, and correlation analysis, are performed using SPSS.  A sample of 230 firms is analyzed through Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). The findings reveal a positive impact of organizational green culture, green innovation, and green finance on SMEs performance in the textile industry. Managers gain insight into the potential benefits of adopting organizational green culture, green finance, and green innovation. This study is supported by four main literature strands and stakeholder theory and has significant implications for both academics and policymakers.


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How to Cite

Jabeen , R. ., Kijkasiwat, P. ., Zain , F., & Liew , C. Y. . (2024). Organisational Greening Process and SMEs’ Performance in the Textile Industry: Evidence from Pakistan. Thammasat Review, 27(1), 77–108. Retrieved from