Examining the Nexus of Innovation Traits, Social Influence, and Environmental Sustainability Attitudes of Consumers in Thailand: A Study of 3D-Printed Clothing Adoption Intentions
Behavioral, Technological Innovation, Technology Adoption, Technological Change, SignalsAbstract
This study draws from the Theory of Reasoned Action and Diffusion of Innovation Theory to explore factors influencing Thai consumers’ attitudes toward environmental sustainability (ATES): social influence, imitating others, open-mindedness, and IT domain innovativeness, and how ATES influences intention to adopt 3D-printed clothing in turn. A survey of students, faculty, and staff at a Thai university was used. The results show that social influence and open-mindedness had significant impacts on ATES, and that ATES had a significant impact on intention to adopt 3-D printed clothing. The results underscore the need for effective education and awareness programs to promote ATES and 3D-printed fashion adoption and advance the understanding of environmentally conscious consumer behavior in Thailand, an important player in the global apparel industry. The conclusions offer insights for researchers, policymakers, marketers, and fashion professionals.
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