Gender Differences in Media Consumption: Influences and Attitudes Towards the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games


  • Risato Ando Graduate School of Law, Tohoku University, Japan


Engagement, Event management, Olympic movement, Mega event


This study explores gender differences in media consumption and fandom behavior related to the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. Using correlation analysis, regression, and path analysis, it investigates how interest in athletes' success, fandom strength, and traditional, digital, and social media consumption shaped public attitudes toward the event. Data from 1,043 Japanese respondents highlight varying media influences across genders. For men, traditional media remains relevant for performance-driven content but is overshadowed by the growing influence of digital and social media, which offer more interactive engagement. Fandom strength was the strongest predictor of men attitudes, followed by social media. In contrast, women showed a significant influence of athletes' success on digital media consumption, using digital platforms for personalized, narrative-driven content. Women’s engagement with social media enhances their attitudes toward the Olympics, as they use these platforms for interactive participation. Traditional media also plays a key role for women, where emotionally rich storytelling complements their digital and social engagement. Women prioritize community-driven interactions and emotional connections over competitive success, which had a smaller influence on their attitudes compared to men. The study underscores the importance of gender-specific media strategies for promoting large-scale sporting events. For men audiences, marketing should combine traditional media’s performance-driven coverage with real-time digital engagement. For women audiences, social media campaigns should prioritize personal narratives and athlete-fan interactions, leveraging digital and traditional media to foster community engagement. These findings provide actionable recommendations for enhancing public support in future Olympic events.


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How to Cite

Ando, R. (2024). Gender Differences in Media Consumption: Influences and Attitudes Towards the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. Thammasat Review, 27(2), 137–166. retrieved from