Recovery of the ASEAN Economy through a Sustainable Tourism Sector in the Post-COVID-19


  • Tia Mariatul Kibtiah Department of International Relations, Bina Nusantara University, Indonesia
  • Sheila Nabila Zain Assgaf Department of International Relations, Bina Nusantara University, Indonesia


Recovery ASEAN, Economy, Tourism Sector, Post COVID-19, Sustainable Development


This article examines the post-COVID-19 economic recovery in the ASEAN region, particularly focusing on the sustainable tourism sector. To provide a comprehensive understanding, it is crucial to consider the pre-COVID-19 economic situation in ASEAN. Sustainable development, which encompasses both short-term and long-term ASEAN tourism development, has been a significant contributor to the economic growth of ASEAN countries. The research narrows down its focus to three countries, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand, as they are the top tourist destinations in the ASEAN Region. The theoretical framework used in this research is sustainable development, which examines economic development through the tourism sector in four aspects: grassroots/people-centered development, environmental management, engagement with globalization, and the development impasse. The research methodology involves a qualitative approach through a literature study, examining previous research on economic recovery in ASEAN after COVID-19 and data from various references. The ultimate goal of this research is to provide insights for international relations (IR) studies, particularly focusing on ASEAN economic issues after COVID-19.




How to Cite

Kibtiah, T. M., & Assgaf, S. N. Z. . (2024). Recovery of the ASEAN Economy through a Sustainable Tourism Sector in the Post-COVID-19. Thammasat Review, 27(2), 167–196. retrieved from