Workation Destination Attractiveness in Urban Locations: Insights from Hybrid Thematic Analysis
Workation, Soft power, Livability, Working facility, AccessibilityAbstract
Changes in tourist behaviors and technological advancements increasingly influence traditional tourism patterns, resulting in a hybrid form of tourism termed “workation.” Despite this trend, the attractiveness of workation destinations has yet to be systematically evaluated by integrating empirical measurements of supply and demand indicators with insights derived from hybrid thematic analysis. This study employed a qualitative research methodology to examine the attractiveness of workation destinations within an urban-based location. A hybrid thematic analysis of qualitative data was adopted. Preexisting factors were established through an exhaustive literature review, representing the deductive aspect. Subsequently, in-depth interviews were conducted with 27 key informants representing the supply and demand sides, utilizing a semi-structured interview to capture the inductive aspect. The interviews were facilitated by a purposive sampling method, supplemented with a snowball sampling approach. Data analysis was conducted using NVivo software. Results revealed that the key themes of attractiveness for workation destination are soft power, livability, working facilities, and accessibility. Understanding these elements equips tourism authorities and entrepreneurs with valuable insights for developing effective destination management strategies aimed at attracting and enhancing the experiences of workationers.
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