A Model for Human Capital Competency Development by Upgrading the Basic Economy through Community-Based Tourism under the Concept of Innovative Businesses for Society and Communities and the Creative Economy to Develop Tourism for Thai Tourists in Suphan Buri Province in the New Normal


  • Wanphen Kuensman Faculty of Management Science, Suan Dusit University, Thailand
  • Wipada Mukda Faculty of Management Science, Suan Dusit University, Thailand
  • Sarinya Somboon Faculty of Management Science, Suan Dusit University, Thailand


Competency, Human capita, Community-based tourism


This study aimed to: 1) investigate a participatory community-based tourism management model for Thai tourists in Suphan Buri during the New Normal; 2) examine a model for human capital competency development through community-based tourism for Thai tourists in Suphan Buri during the New Normal; and 3) propose guidelines for enhancing human capital through community-based tourism by integrating innovative business and creative economy concepts. Research instruments included questionnaires from 400 residents, in-depth interviews with 100 key informants, and focus group discussions involving 30 community leaders and members. Data were analyzed using statistical methods such as frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation, followed by a synthesis and interpretation of qualitative data from interviews and focus groups. The findings revealed high levels of participatory tourism management in Suphan Buri, covering aspects like environment, facilities, community involvement, and human resources. Human capital competency, particularly in leadership, partnerships, resource mobilization, and skills and knowledge, was also found to be high. The proposed guidelines emphasize targeted training for tourism-related groups, focusing on skills in community-based tourism management, knowledge of destinations, basic English communication, tourist service excellence, and health and safety standards.


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How to Cite

Kuensman, W. ., Mukda, W. ., & Somboon, S. . (2024). A Model for Human Capital Competency Development by Upgrading the Basic Economy through Community-Based Tourism under the Concept of Innovative Businesses for Society and Communities and the Creative Economy to Develop Tourism for Thai Tourists in Suphan Buri Province in the New Normal. Thammasat Review, 27(2), 406–430. retrieved from https://sc01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/tureview/article/view/241003