Research for Knowledge Development of People about Decision Making for Voluntary Carbon Market: Case Study of Inpang Community Forest Network, Kudbag District, Sakon Nakorn Province 2010


  • Nichaphat Permtongin Faculty of Interdisciplinary Studies, College of Interdisciplinary Studies, Thammasat University


The purpose of this action research is to develop people’s knowledge for making decisions in the voluntary carbon market by studying the case of the Inpang Community Forest Network, Kudbag District, Sakon Nakorn Province. The objective is to study regarding the voluntary carbon credit trading knowledge and understanding of the people in Inpang Community Forest Network, to create essential awareness and understanding regarding the advantages and disadvantages of voluntary carbon credit trading, and to follow up the operating result after providing knowledge to the people in the Inpang community and the decision making regarding voluntary carbon credit trading.

The research discovered that people’s knowledge and understanding of the Inpang Community Forest Network are insufficient to make decisions on taking the community forest into the voluntary carbon market. Although the research results of the report discovered that people’s knowledge and understanding is increasing, it is not a reason to omit a clear vision of that topic because the research discovered that people’s knowledge and understanding of Inpang Community Forest Network are insufficient to make decision on taking Community Forest into the voluntary carbon market. On the other hand, the government unit should correctly and suitably provide knowledge and understanding to local people, especially for price negotiations in which the local people of Inpang Network still insufficient and need the assist of the govern units in order to achieve a suitable price of trading voluntary carbon credits.  

Moreover, the research results are also pursued the hypotheses: the knowledge and understanding enhanced to people of Inpang Network of which the researcher influences on local people’s decision making; people of Inpang Network have not signed on trading Voluntary Carbon Credit to the Chicago Carbon Exchange (CCX) related to providing knowledge and understanding of fair price trading together with the researcher’s emphasis on future that local people might sell Carbon Credit  to our country in which Carbon Credit trading with Thai Airways International Public Company Limited.

Keywords: Action research/ Voluntary Carbon Market/ Inpang Community Forest Network


How to Cite

Permtongin, N. (2014). Research for Knowledge Development of People about Decision Making for Voluntary Carbon Market: Case Study of Inpang Community Forest Network, Kudbag District, Sakon Nakorn Province 2010. Thammasat Review, 17(2), 138–153. retrieved from