Processual Factors of the Chronic Conflict and (Its) Transitional Justice in Thailand


  • Jutharat Ua-amnoey Faculty of Political Science Chulalongkorn University


Due to the recent conflicts and events of violence in Thailand, especially during April-May, 2010, there has been an immeasurable loss and damage to Thai society. To address these concerns, the Truth for Reconciliation Commission of Thailand or TRCT, assigned me and my staff to address the root causes of the conflict. This research is a qualitative synthesis which used meta-analysis methods in conducting research about research, focus on contrasting and combining results from 5 different studies. Then summarized, synthesized, and analyzed all sources of data to explain how the conflict was occurring, by using the Ury’s conception. Finally, we can explain the relationship among the basic structure; the pillars that balanced the social structure and stopped the conflict from developing into violence in the past; the era of globalization that led to broad economic, political, and social changes; and the aggravating factor that escalated the conflict and violence. In hoping that understanding the processual factors of the chronic conflict should be an important part in starting the transitional justice process in Thailand.

Keywords: Conflict, Transitional Justice, Reconciliation, Thailand


How to Cite

Ua-amnoey, J. (2015). Processual Factors of the Chronic Conflict and (Its) Transitional Justice in Thailand. Thammasat Review, 17(1), 54–77. retrieved from