Predictors of Game Addiction in Children and Adolescents


  • Supawadee Charoenwanit Faculty of Nursing Thammasat University
  • Tipsuda Sumneangsanor Faculty of Nursing Thammasat University


The present study was based on a descriptive research design with the objective of exploring the predictive power of self-esteem and family function on the game addiction of children and adolescents. The sample group used in the present study was composed of junior and senior high school students in both general and vocational lines of study who were studying at state schools in the province of Singburi. The sample group of 390 subjects was composed of both males and females ranging from 13 to 18 years. The instrumentation employed in data collection was composed of the following: 1) a sociodemographic interview form; 2) the Game Addiction Screening Test-GAST; 3) the Five-Scale Test of Self –Esteem for Children and 4) the Chulalongkorn Family Function Inventory. The data obtained was analyzed by using descriptive and multiple regression statistics.
According to the research findings, the sample group had game addiction at a rate of 41.6% (89 cases) in males and 29.22% (52 cases) in females. Furthermore, self-esteem and family function were found to be negatively correlated to a high degree with game addiction with statistical significance at .01 (r = -.822, p < 0.01; r = -.818, p < 0.01, respectively). And according to the findings, self-esteem and family function are capable of jointly predicting game addiction in children and adolescents with statistical significance at .0001 (F = 252.24, p < .0001).
The recommendations suggested by the research findings demonstrate that self-esteem and family function are the sole factors with influence on the game addiction of children and adolescents. Therefore, people involved, whether they are family members, schools or even medical facilities and healthcare teams need to be aware of and give importance to promoting children and adolescents in gaining self-esteem; realizing the importance of self-esteem familiarize themselves with their personal strong and weak points in order to develop improved self-esteem. Furthermore, family participation should be encouraged in order to foster awareness of the importance of family function and to bring about improved family function in every aspect.

Keywords: Game and Internet Addiction, Children and Adolescents, Family Function, Self-esteem


How to Cite

Charoenwanit, S., & Sumneangsanor, T. (2015). Predictors of Game Addiction in Children and Adolescents. Thammasat Review, 17(1), 150–166. retrieved from