Correlation between Violent Games and Aggressive Behaviors in Adolescents


  • Supawadee Charoenwanit Faculty of Nursing, Thammasat University


The objective is to study any correlations between violent computer games, time spent
playing videogames and aggressive behaviors in adolescents. The sample group used for the study was composed of junior high-school students and senior high-school students aged 12-19. The 400 samples recruited for the study were both males and females. The instruments
employed in data collection were composed of the following: 1) Socio-demographic Data Questionnaire and 2) Aggressive behavior Measurement Scale. Data were analyzed using
descriptive statistics. According to the findings, the samples playing violent games were found to score a higher mean on overall aggressive behavior and individual aggressive behaviors than the samples who played non-violent games. Moreover, violent games and time spent playing video games were found to be positively correlated with aggressive behaviors in adolescents, with statistical significance .01 (r = .952, r = .542, p < 0.01 respectively).


Keywords: Violent and Non-violent Games, Adolescents, Aggressive Behaviors




How to Cite

Charoenwanit, S. (2015). Correlation between Violent Games and Aggressive Behaviors in Adolescents. Thammasat Review, 18(2), 40–57. retrieved from