Thai Journals Quality Evaluation against Journal Selection Process Criteria of Scopus Data Base

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sutpitcha tongdachai


Preparation of persons with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) for readiness for hospital discharge may result in the decrease of coping difficulties and reduce health care utilization. This correlational study aimed to examine the readiness for hospital discharge, coping difficulties, and health care utilization and the relationship between those variables among the persons with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The participants were one hundred and six Thai persons with COPD who were admitted and followed up in six community hospitals in Chiang Mai Province and were purposively selected. Four questionnaires were used for data collection: a Personal Information Form, the Readiness for Hospital Discharge Scale, the Post Discharge Coping Difficulties Scale, and the Health Care Utilization questionnaire. Descriptive statistics was used and to determine demographic data. The correlation between variables were tested with the Pearson Product Moment test and a point-biserial correlation.

The results of study

  1. The participants had a high level of readiness for hospital discharge and a low level of coping difficulties. One month after discharge from the hospital, readmission rate was 26.40%.

  2. There was a significantly negative relationship between coping difficulties and readiness for hospital discharge (r = -.220, p < .05)

  3. Emergency department visits had a significantly negative relationship with readiness for hospital discharge (rpb = -.262, p < .01).

  4. Readmission rate had a significantly negative relationship with readiness for hospital discharge (rpb = -.320, p < .01).

Findings from this study may help nurses to develop an effective intervention program for persons with COPD to be ready prior to discharge from the hospital in order to decrease coping difficulties and promote continuing of care resulting in lowering the readmission rate.

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How to Cite
tongdachai, sutpitcha, & PONGYAI, A. (2019). Thai Journals Quality Evaluation against Journal Selection Process Criteria of Scopus Data Base. TEST Thai-Journal Citation Index Centre (For Demonstration), 10(2), 1–20.
Research Articles


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