Management of Investment Processes in the Region

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Inna Mylko Inna Mylko


   The article presents a detailed analysis of direct capital investments in Khmelnytsky region, enterprises with foreign capital are considered. The dynamics and structure of foreign direct investment by types of economic activity are assessed.

   Methods of economic and mathematical modeling were used, which provided for the development of investment flows over time and modeled the impact of economic factors on the overall flow of foreign direct investment, which can be used in the management of foreign economic activity.

   The article presents an analysis of foreign investment in one of the regions of Ukraine.

   The volumes and dynamics of foreign investments are determined, the branch structure of investments is determined, the main countries-recipients of foreign investments in Khmelnytsky region are determined.

   The largest industrial facilities operating at the expense of foreign investors are analyzed. The largest investor in the region is the Netherlands.

   The results of economic and mathematical modeling showed that the increase in retail trade in the region has a positive effect on foreign investment in Khmelnytsky region; wholesale and retail trade - the second largest region of the region, where foreign investment is directed; the growth of imports of goods leads to an increase in foreign investment in the region; The impact of freight turnover and passenger traffic on the dynamics of foreign investment was ambiguous

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How to Cite
Inna Mylko, I. M. (2020). Management of Investment Processes in the Region. National interest, 1(1), 9–18. retrieved from
Academic articles


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