Reduce transaction costs by accounting
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The objectives of the article are 1. To study the scope of transaction cost accounting
2.To analyze the transaction costs of the goat trading contract.3. To find the transaction cost reduction measures.The study sample has been more than 9 years working experience and conducted commercial business regularly using data 2019.The result of the study suggests to record the transaction costs accounting. The scope and category of accounting for the transaction costs which can be measured in quantitative of each contract. The analysis of transaction costs of the deviation of actual costs from the defined transaction cost standard found that it is one of the ways to help in organizational decision-making to organize in controlling of planning numbers of transaction cost numbers. The lack of data is one of the factors contributing to the increase in transaction costs. Therefore, the enterprises should be retrospectively review the parties of the selection of buyers to solve the problem of reducing the size of transaction costs by using a clear contract platform.
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