Formation of strategic priorities for sustainable development of tourism and recreation sphere based on inclusive growth

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Anastasiia Alieva, Viktor Pavlikha


              The content and economic role of the tourist and recreational sphere are revealed. The peculiarities of its development in Ukraine are highlighted; the reasons that inhibit this process are described. Because of this, importance of preserving natural resources for the travel sector, tourism, recreation, health, the need for tourism and recreational activities based on sustainable development and inclusive growth has been proven.

   It is substantiated that the directions defined in the Strategy of tourism and resorts development for the period till 2026, are made according to requirements and problems of tourist and recreational sphere growth in Ukraine. The concepts of inclusive tourism and inclusive recreation are characterized, which defined as the expansion of opportunities for use and free access to tourist and recreational services for people with disabilities. The interpretation of the correlation of the global Sustainable Development Goals to the tourist and recreational sphere of Ukraine is suggested. Implementation of strategic priorities for sustainable development of the tourist and recreational sphere based on inclusive growth will identify opportunities to ensure equal access to the markets of tourist and recreational services, the use of tourist and recreational resources.

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How to Cite
Anastasiia Alieva, Viktor Pavlikha. (2020). Formation of strategic priorities for sustainable development of tourism and recreation sphere based on inclusive growth. National Interest, 1(1), 73–82. Retrieved from
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