A monofunctional city and export in Ukraine
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Monofunctional cities of Ukraine were founded close to the large industrial enterprises. The development of such cities in the neoliberal economy directly depends on the conjuncture of the world commodity markets. In this article, specific forms of such dependence are analyzed. The following groups of monofunctional cities are the centers of the mining industry or heavy industry enterprises, satellite towns of nuclear power plants as well as port cities. The border towns, which have become centers for assembly plants, are mentioned separately. With the exception of satellite cities of nuclear power plants, the rest of them have either population decline or its number is relatively stable. Sharp geopolitical changes affected the development of all cities in Ukraine. This is most pronounced in port cities. Only in 2018 the growth of cargo turnover resumed. Metropolises also acquired the features of monofunctional cities. Therefore, WE raise the question of the advisability of separate closed urban areas in large cities as monofunctional cities. This reveales the need to identify their clear boundaries and criteria. Indicative in this matter is the capital of Ukraine – Kyiv. In the structure of its industrial production, since 2012, the leading activities are the production of electricity, heat, and cooling. However, this does not mean that the largest city in the country has become a center of energy production. Rather, it is a manifestation of the post-industrial stage of the cities development in Ukraine.
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