The state of gender equality in the energy sector in Ukraine
Main Article Content
The article deals with Ukraine’s contemporary experience in introducing gender equality in industrial sector of the country’s economy. The materials of the article are based on the case-study “Gender Aspects of Employment in the Energy Sector of Ukraine” conducted by the experts of the “Poruch” Ukrainian non-governmental organisation with financial support of the USAID Energy Security Project.
One of the key international commitments made by Ukraine is to promote the equality of rights and opportunities for women and men in all spheres of society. Ukraine has significant potential to ensure equality of rights and opportunities, despite the fact that Ukraine obtained the 74th place in the Global Gender Gap Report 2021, although a year ago it was ranked the 59th place in the field of gender equality in economy of Ukraine. At the same time, despite significant results in gender equality ensuring, the gender approach is still not integrated into field of labour and employment, which further consolidates gender gaps in both work payment and professional self-realization of energy sphere employees.
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