European Peace Project: Federalist Perspective
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The European peace project has become a popular topic for public discussions but not so much as a scholarly enterprise. Despite an initial spur at the beginning of integration, today little research exists on security causes and outcomes of integration. This study contributes to closing this gap in the literature by examining the European peace project from a federalist perspective. Relying on federalists’ works and security models this study examines ways proposed by federalists to more secure Europe and assesses the security function of the created integration communities that were set up in Europe after the Second World War. A number of important findings emerge from the analysis. First, security reasons paid the way to European unification, and European integration was intended to strengthen peace on the continent. Second, the federalist normative approach proposed the most radical security solution, which could serve as ideology, but could not be applied as an integration model in which primary units are nation-states. Third, from a federalist perspective European integration is not a primary security solution, nonetheless, it is capable to change relations between member-states and help overcome national resistance to uniting Europe.
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