Legal base of Ukraine’s European integration policy

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Sergei Asaturov
Dr. Martynov


      The purpose of the article is to analyze trends in the development of legal support for Ukraine's European integration. In essence, the Association Agreement with Ukraine differs from the Association Agreements signed by the European Union in the early 1990s with Central European countries preparing to join the EU, or with the Middle East, North Africa and Latin America countries, which do not have any chances of joining the EU. The coordination of the issues of European integration of Ukraine depends on the effectiveness of the mechanisms of functioning of legal institutions of society as an apparatus organized by society and responsible for the formation, observance and implementation of legal relations of legal entities.
     The legal order of the European Union does not provide for a special accession procedure. In June 1993, the Copenhagen membership criteria were developed, covering the candidate country's ability to have a functioning liberal democratic political system, to introduce European law into national law, and to have the economy capable of competing in the EU Common Market. Therefore, the issue of recognizing Ukraine as a candidate for EU membership has a broad geopolitical context. Ukraine is working with the European Commission to agree on the procedure for negotiating accession to the European Union. The European Union has different strategies for negotiating the accession of new countries.

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How to Cite
Asaturov, S., & Martynov, A. (2022). Legal base of Ukraine’s European integration policy. National interest, 2(8), 28–35. retrieved from
Academic articles


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