The organization of the people of a just city-state

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weerachart Sumetjarat


This article examines the nature and division of labor in the ideal state and the order of citizens in city-states. The results of the study revealed that Plato divides work in ideal conditions according to the needs and natural inclinations of people and social status by matching natural inclinations and properties created by studying what It exists in all people and classes, is used and covers the division of labor. The state arises from the various needs of people to satisfy them. But since each of the abilities of the functional people cannot afford themselves sufficient consumption, the people of the city-state try to merge their labor activities into specific types of labor according to their needs and assign them to specific classes (rulers, protectors and builders. material wealth) to perform morally important social duties according to the abilities contained in one's self without interfering with the lives of others. Strict compliance is beneficial for both individual assets.(including members).Third Estate (Landlords and craftsmen) considered the lowest eligibility, hardly worthy of the civic position, immersed in material labor and satisfying the lowest human needs, just as a producer, had a share of wealth. Officially, there was no political power. It was granted only a system of generic prescriptions but was considered fair to the public, while the ruling class had no personal possessions other than wisdom and fairness. The ideal state basis is an integrated and organized society as a patriarchal society, everything that exists in society is embraced and socially and politically organized by the state and it is a sovereign state.


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How to Cite
Sumetjarat, weerachart. (2022). The organization of the people of a just city-state. National Interest, 2(9), 1–9. Retrieved from
Academic articles


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