The The strategy and effectiveness of The American Israel Public Affairs Committee in lobbying The United States Congress
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This qualitative research study examines the strategy and effectiveness of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) in lobbying the United States Congress. The research question focuses on how AIPAC's strategy can influence current US foreign policy and how effective it is. The study applies the theory of authority by Max Weber and the foreign policy concept by John Lovell's to analyze the data obtained. The research findings reveal that AIPAC's lobbying efforts have been successful, as evidenced by the significant foreign aid given by the US government to Israel annually, amounting to $3.8 billion. Additionally, AIPAC has also successfully advocated for US government support for Israeli settlements in the West Bank. Overall, this study sheds light on the powerful influence of interest groups on US foreign policy and the effectiveness of their lobbying efforts in shaping it.
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