Communicative aspects of the dialogue of cultures in the modern world

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Viktor Shcherbyna


  The article examines the historical stages and logic of the formation of theoretical approaches to the problem of intercultural communication research. The author shows that in modern context intercultural communication is considered in two directions: as communication and interaction of cultures of different countries and peoples and as communication and interaction of subcultures. The author defines intercultural communication as a state of modern society, in which the complex structure of social and cultural space is embodied in symbolic forms and images that can be perceived and understood by the public and individual consciousness of various national communities and ethnic groups. The author believes that mutual assimilation of cultural elements contributes to integration processes, mutual cultural exchange and cultural enrichment, but there is also a process of strengthening national self-awareness. When, under the conditions of long-term communication with another culture, there is a loss of an essential part of the native culture, a phenomenon of uncertainty or instability arises, which gives rise to problems of intercultural communication. It was established that under such conditions, the dialogue of cultures is a complex, symbolic, personal, transactional and quite often unconscious process, which is necessarily imprecise, as it involves the level of mass virtual construction at the level of interpersonal interaction. The author introduces the classification of communication in the dialogue of cultures according to the nature of relations between subjects, distinguishing its social, business, and spiritual levels.

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How to Cite
Shcherbyna, V. . (2024). Communicative aspects of the dialogue of cultures in the modern world. National interest, 4(15), 19–31. retrieved from
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