Error analysis and its’ implications in communicative English language teaching


  • Husna Phettongkam Language Institute Thammasat University


Error Analysis involves identifying incorrect language forms produced both in speaking and writing. In general error analysis is valuable for identifying strategies which learners use in language learning, examining the causes of learner’s errors, obtaining information on common difficulties in language learning, and preparing teaching materials and methods. Furthermore, it is increasing being use in lesson and curriculum planning by educators. Suggestions based on research studies in writing, and speaking will be explored to confirm the positive implications on communicative language teaching.

Keyword: Error, Error Analysis, Grammatical Accuracy, Grammatical Error, Corrective Feedback, Communicative language Teaching


How to Cite

Phettongkam, H. (2015). Error analysis and its’ implications in communicative English language teaching. Thammasat Review, 16(3), 96–108. retrieved from