Promoting a Learner-Centeredness Classroom by Adopting the Su Ji Pu Li Principle into CALL for Thailand Tertiary Level Students


  • Vimolchaya Yanasugondha Language Institute Thammasat University


This paper aims to investigate the effectiveness of the use of the Buddhist doctrine of Su Ji Pu Li in the field of ELT through CALL (computer-assisted language learning) to promote a learner-centeredness classroom. Traditionally, teachers teach with the traditional medium like chalk and blackboard. Nowadays, with the arrival of the computer age, teachers’ role is changing to cope with the fast paced up to the minute technological devices. The move from teacher-centered to student-centered is unavoidable, and one way of promoting it is to try the Buddhist-Oriental wisdom of Su Ji Pu Li.


How to Cite

Yanasugondha, V. (2015). Promoting a Learner-Centeredness Classroom by Adopting the Su Ji Pu Li Principle into CALL for Thailand Tertiary Level Students. Thammasat Review, 16(3), 119–125. retrieved from