Classification of Terms Found in the daily Crossword Puzzle in the Bangkok Post


  • Tanom Tiensawangchai Language Institute Thammasat University


The objective of this article is to explore the types of terms that can be found in the daily crossword puzzle in the Bangkok Post from Monday to Friday of each week. The classification criteria used in this review is based on the meaning of those terms. The crossword puzzles used in this article are the ones that contain “easy clues” which require a variety of possible answers. From this review, the classification of clues and their meanings will be discussed, which can serve as a useful and practical tool for a variety of reasons such as helping the teachers of English teach vocabulary building skills, and enabling the players to enjoy doing the crossword puzzles and learn more words from them. To sum up, this article will firstly classify the terms found in the daily crossword puzzle according to their meaning and then discuss the puzzle’s benefits towards word building skills improvement among the players.

Keyword: Crossword Puzzle, The Classification Criteria, Vocabulary

How to Cite

Tiensawangchai, T. (2015). Classification of Terms Found in the daily Crossword Puzzle in the Bangkok Post. Thammasat Review, 16(3), 203–237. retrieved from