Map Innovation and Its Importance to Geopolitics: A Case Study of Rice and Fish Towns (Rangsit - Thanyaburi - Minburi)
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Map is an important that shows corridors, habitats, food sources in the corridors, is important for the study of information for both economic and political benefits. As a result of the increasing number needed in urban planning to suit the expansion of communities and the subsequent cleaning up, rural areas are becoming more and more important. Continuing to rethink information to determine climate paths and resources available for reference development, maps, in particular, are the principles for geopolitics to study the climate of the vapor and use them to plan, plan or modify. The situation arises, whether it is an international landscape, competing for a position, the correct position on critical ideas,
Economic development for stability and the market is one that must be produced for use. Work in economic and social development planning and To provide basic information to the location, environment, corridors, property, gain a greater understanding of the picture and the relationship between them, making plans and developing to be able to be convenient and efficient as well as social conditions. And environment the direct, ever-changing process requires a map to help implement social development planning in the right direction. Different For the benefit of searching for information or content of upcoming events, for example, a global case study of Fish Town, Rice Town, in Pathumthani Province, Thailand.
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