Dividing the world during COVID-19: Identity and power relations of the central state

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shinasak Suwan-achariya


This article aims to study the concept of changing the position of the central state and identity, power of interstate relations is the center for the divide of the world. The study found that each central state was unable to establish a new world order. Each state was based on the principle of non-direct military confrontation because the US had a bargaining disadvantage and would not hinder its allies. If it is an economic project, even if it cooperates with the opposite US.
It is likely that the US may cooperate with the West to curb the development of high-tech products, and the dollar-use zone will gradually diminish its role as the yuan, euro and ruble zone due to Russia. China can use its own local currency to sell resources. In particular, energy and energy market interventions in Europe and China can create their own technology zones. The central state has defined its own sphere of influence by different technological bases but has the same goal of ensuring its position is the ability to protect sovereignty. The position of global GDP cannot insure its own resources and sovereign goods services

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How to Cite
Suwan-achariya, shinasak . (2021). Dividing the world during COVID-19: Identity and power relations of the central state. National interest, 1(4), 1–16. retrieved from https://sc01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/NIT/article/view/240086
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