Psycholinguistic Mechanisms of Language Influence on the Formation of Cultural Identity in the Context of Globalization

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Olena Hudzenko
Anastasiia Aleksandruk


  The article examines the influence of language on cultural identity in globalization, with a particular emphasis on the role of multilingualism in circumventing cultural barriers and resolving intercultural conflicts. Cultural pluralism and intercultural dialogue play a crucial role in shaping societal spirituality. The article also addresses the necessity of adapting educational methodologies to a globalized world, with a particular emphasis on the integration of information technologies. It urges the collaboration of researchers, policymakers, and communities to guarantee the sustainable preservation of cultural heritage and the promotion of linguistic diversity.

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How to Cite
Hudzenko, O., & Aleksandruk, A. (2024). Psycholinguistic Mechanisms of Language Influence on the Formation of Cultural Identity in the Context of Globalization. National Interest, 4(16), 11–21. Retrieved from
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