The Future of AI Bioethics in the Context of Human Survival

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Dobrodum Olga Victorivna
Martinuk Eduard Ivanovich
Nykytchenko Olena Eduardivna


        The article delves into the future of bioethics in AI, emphasizing the growing importance of ethical principles in the field. As AI increasingly integrates into various aspects of life, bioethics faces new challenges, particularly in establishing ethical standards for AI decisions. The article recommends that international standards and legislative frameworks be established to regulate the use of AI, prevent exploitation, and benefit society. It also emphasizes the importance of informing the public and professionals about the benefits and risks of AI. The article concludes that the inter-linkage of bioethics and AI will require the establishment of effective ethical frameworks, education, and public engagement.

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How to Cite
Victorivna, D. O., Ivanovich, M. E., & Eduardivna, N. O. (2024). The Future of AI Bioethics in the Context of Human Survival. National Interest, 4(16), 32–41. Retrieved from
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