National interest 

Details of the Journals
Our journal would like to presents research articles and academic articles of all types, coverage academic work in geopolitics landscape economics and innovation by providing 3 months/volume.
The National Interest Journal has an agenda of publishing 4 issues per year.
Issue 1 August - October
Issue 2 November - January
Issue 3 February - April
Issue 4 May – July
Our objective to be a source of knowledge development in the geopolitical and geoeconomical field and innovation and a source for disseminating academic and creative works of the faculty staff and students.

Conditions of publication
For the publication of an academic article in this journal articles as Thai or English articles should meet the academic requirements and general direction of journal(Geopolitics,Geoeconomics,Innovation and related fields) that is given to academic interested people both in the country and abroad.
Content submitted for publication must have never previously published in any other journal, written in the context of academic literature, current and have a clear component in creating new knowledge.

The accuracy of reference citation or reproduction of date, number, and formula is the author's responsibility, editors reserve the right to edit articles without changing their academic content

Editorial would reserve the right to consider and publish all articles including some of the article's text and spelling errors have been fixed. According to the recommendation of the article quality evaluation committee.Editorial would reserve the right to refuse publication. If the author does not proceed with the revision of the article according to the recommendation of the article quality assessment committee to be completed in the online system within 30 days. The result of the selection of articles for publication in the journal shall be considered by the editor's decision to be final.

Required for publication

Documents for publication to be published in our journal, the author must provide the following information:
1. Proposed articles published
2. There are two ways to send author articles and questionnaires, via our website or by e-Mail.

Regulations for reviewing and evaluating articles

1. All academic articles submitted to journals are subject to independent review (internal).
2.Manuscripts received by editors will be preliminarily reviewed by the editors for compliance with general journal requirements within 2 working days after the preliminary review. The original articles of the articles will be submitted to the reviewer. (The original author will not be informed of the identity to the reviewer.)
3.The assessors are mainly determined by the editorial committee, including leading Thai and international scholars, taking into account the academic expertise in the relevant academic field to the number of two(2) persons. Review and evaluate the quality of the article (Peer review) by assessing the quality of the article as a double-blind review
All reviewers are expertly recognized for content that has been reviewed by an editorial panel and have had their work in the preceding three years prior to submission of articles under review of publications on the topic with respect to article.
4. Review and evaluation of articles received no more than a week.
5. Review should include a quality analysis of the content of the article and an objective assessment of the article. (With emphasis on relevance, academic novelty and practical importance) (Positive or negative) about the possibility of publishing an article
6. Rejected authors will be submitted for rejection reasons within 5 days of receiving reviewed and approval by editor-in-chief. Editors no longer participate in the discussion and correspondence with the author of the rejected article.
7. If the review received contains recommendations for completing the original article, it will be submitted for revision and must be submitted again for review in accordance with the requirements specified by the editor.
8. The presence of a positive evaluation, if not enough to publish the article, the final decision on the appropriateness of publication is made by the editorial staff.
9. Comments are stored in publishers and editors for 5 years. Editors send a copy of the comments or reject inspiration to the authors.
After the editorial has given permission to make recommendations and make decisions about receiving the article for publication, the editor of the journal informs the author and the timing of the publication.
Those interested in the article are free to copy and distribute the material under the following conditions.
- Only non-commercial content is allowed.
- When copying an article or part of it, it is necessary to cite the source, specify the author of the article, the journal and the DOI of the article.
- If converting or using materials as the basis for modification work, the modified material cannot be distributed

Types of articles to be accepted
1. Invited articles
2. Academic articles
3. Research Articles
4. Book review

General Instructions
Each article must be long 7-20 A4 pages. Microsoft Word for Windows must be used for typing.
Page layout is as follows: Upper and bottom edges are 2.5 cm, left and right edges 2.5cm. Use
numbering system for topic arrangement starting from 1. Introduction and so on. Use decimal system for sub-topics.