Geopolitical identity and nation-building: the case study of the Republic of Kazakhstan

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Shyngys Riakhanov


Studying the connections between geopolitics and domestic political attributes of the state such as national identity poses a particular range of challenges to the researcher. The present article explores the potential connections and parallels between the Kazakhstan nation-building project and the nation-state’s geopolitical identity vis-à-vis the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China. In the course of this analysis, the researcher has established the lack of the direct connection between nation-building and geopolitical positioning in the case of Kazakhstan. However, it has been noted that the former may influence the latter as far as perceiving threats and opportunities associated with the respective geopolitical centers for the integrity of Kazakhstani identity may be concerned.

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How to Cite
Riakhanov, S. (2021). Geopolitical identity and nation-building: the case study of the Republic of Kazakhstan. National Interest, 1(2), 35–43. Retrieved from
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