Project Performance Management in Enterprises in Industry 5.0

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Oksana Polinkevych


        The article systematizes the understanding of the development and implementation of project  activities in the context of Industry 5.0. It is noted that with the development of Industry 5.0, the management of enterprise project activities becomes of paramount importance. The key driver of this process was the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of the article is to develop a project to enhance the efficiency of project activities for enterprises in the conditions of Industry 5.0. To achieve this goal, it is proposed to identify 7 stages for improving the efficiency of project activities for enterprises. The proposal includes defining alternative goals, establishing criteria for selecting responsible project performers, conscientiously forming the project team, and comprehensively analyzing strategic and current issues. This will help identify the sources of their occurrence and factors influencing them. As a result, the strategic goal will be correctly defined, and the main directions for improving the efficiency of enterprise activities will be substantiated. To enhance the efficiency of project activities for enterprises in the conditions of Industry 5.0, a combination of three measures is proposed: improving the quality of professional training, improving the financial condition of the enterprise, and enhancing the production status of the enterprise.

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How to Cite
Polinkevych, O. (2024). Project Performance Management in Enterprises in Industry 5.0. National Interest, 3(14), 1–13. Retrieved from
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