The New Silk Road - One Belt One Road and the Republic of Kazakhstan: Geopolitics, geoeconomics and national and geopolitical identity aspects

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Shynghys Riakhanov


The present article is devoted to the problem of the One Belt One Road (OBOR) as one of the principal initiatives for trans-Eurasian integration currently being promoted by the People’s Republic of China, in the light of the interests and aspirations of the Republic of Kazakhstan as one of its key participants. Proceeding from the empirical evidence on the subject matter, the researcher reflects on the potential impacts and challenges provided by the OBOR to Kazakhstan’s geopolitical and geo-economic strategy and identity. It is assumed that the Republic of Kazakhstan may both gain additional geo-economic clout through participating in the OBOR and overturn the balance among its geopolitical and geo-economic partners (including Russian Federation and the European Union). In so doing, the key takeaway from the discussion is that Kazakhstan should seek to develop a more balanced and holistic position toward its geo-economic and geopolitical partnerships in Greater Eurasia, so as to avoid potentially negative consequences for its overall strategic position.

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How to Cite
Riakhanov, S. . (2021). The New Silk Road - One Belt One Road and the Republic of Kazakhstan: Geopolitics, geoeconomics and national and geopolitical identity aspects. National interest, 1(3), 32–40. retrieved from
Academic articles


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