Organizational and economic mechanism of diversification of sustainable development of rural areas in the conditions of decentralization

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Nataliia Khomiuk
Pavlikha Nataliia


       The article substantiates the organizational and economic mechanism of diversification of sustainable development of rural areas in the context of decentralization. An integrated approach to the use of the whole set of tools and measures of the organizational and economic mechanism of diversification of sustainable development of rural areas, taking into account their interaction with the principles of diversification and decentralization will provide a synergistic effect of their application. The normative-legal, institutional, organizational and economic instruments and measures of the organizational-economic mechanism of diversification of sustainable development of rural territories are singled out. The basic principles of diversification include the principles of systematicity, priority, effectiveness, partnership, software, and inclusiveness. During the implementation of the organizational and economic mechanism of diversification of sustainable development of rural areas, it is proposed to adhere to the basic principles of decentralization, such as the principles of constitutionality and legality, subsidiarity, transparency, and openness, responsibility. The results of the implementation of the mechanism of diversification of sustainable development of rural areas determine the improvement of the quality of life of the rural population, ensuring the competitiveness of rural areas and achieving environmental safety.

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