Numerical Study of Gas flow and Ablation for Supersonic Nozzle

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Jatuporn Thongsri
Kamonwan Srathonghuam
Adulyasak Boonpan


Developing a highly efficient supersonic rocket propulsion system requires knowledge and understanding of gas flow and ablation at the nozzle. In this research, numerical studies were carried out in that development: Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Finite Element Analysis (FEA). Using a 122 mm nozzle as a case study in a transient state, CFD revealed a gas flow leading to the shock wave, temperature, pressure, etc., inside the nozzle, consistent with actual static experimental results. The CFD results were applied as conditions for the determination of ablation using the FEA. The FEA results showed the equivalent (von-mises) stress due to the pressure and temperature of the gas flow. Additionally, it was found that the more the stress, the greater the ablation. Consistent with the experiment, the front nozzle had higher ablation than the tail. The finding from this research can be applied to improve the 122 mm and other types of nozzle for higher efficiency with reduction of ablation.


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How to Cite
J. Thongsri, K. Srathonghuam, and A. Boonpan, “Numerical Study of Gas flow and Ablation for Supersonic Nozzle”, Def. Technol. Acad. J., vol. 4, no. 9, pp. 94–107, Aug. 2022.
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