Detecting Change in Military Sites Using Satellite Imagery Case Study: Russia-Ukraine War in 2022

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Pongpun juntakut
Peerasak Aemlaor
Yaowaret Jantakat


This study is to present a guideline of the remote-sensing application with the change detection techniques for monitoring the change at military sites in case study of Russia-Ukraine war in 2022. In this study, air bases along the Ukrainian border were analyzed for case studies as 1) Saki Air Base in Crimea, 2) Primorsko-Akhtarsk Air Base in Russia and 3) Machulishchy Air Base in Perarus. The results of this study demonstrate the application of satellite images (Sentinel-1 SAR) with the Omnibus test to be able to analyze and monitor the change in military sites by using the Google Earth Engine platform which can be an efficient tool for monitoring the border of Thailand and supporting other military operations.


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P. juntakut, P. Aemlaor, and Y. Jantakat, “Detecting Change in Military Sites Using Satellite Imagery Case Study: Russia-Ukraine War in 2022”, Def. Technol. Acad. J., vol. 4, no. 10, pp. 48–57, Oct. 2022.
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