Rocket and Missile Technology Trend 2020-2030

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Thanarat Thanasomboon


Nowadays rockets and missiles could be considered as main armaments for defence security. These weapons have a high level of firepower, accuracy, agile and difficult-to-defence, making their use gain a lot of advantage on the battlefield with cost-effective tactics that can reduce a huge amount of coalition damage near the target. So on, many research and development organizations and manufacturers put a lot of resources on development in this kind of weapon and place them on the market continuously. Furthermore, the surrounding technology or dual-use technology like artificial intelligence, advanced material and telecommunication are also benefiting from this kind of technology. This analysis report is to address the trend and behaviour of rocket and missile research and development organizations around the world and to focus on the incoming decade demand in the global market of missile technology. These three mains factors of the parameter can be used to evaluate the performance of rockets and missiles in the incoming era for readers.


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How to Cite
T. Thanasomboon, “Rocket and Missile Technology Trend 2020-2030”, Def. Technol. Acad. J., vol. 3, no. 8, pp. 28–39, Jul. 2021.
Defence Analysis Articles


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