Comparison between Equilibrium Optimization and Systune on Aircraft Blank Angle Control

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Yodsadej Kanokmedhakul
Nantiwat Pholdee


This paper is a direct comparison of equilibrium optimization (EO) one of the classes of meta-heuristic (MH) known for nonlinear optimization capability and Systune designed specifically for control problems for aircraft blank angle control. The control structure consisted of aileron rudder interconnection, Dutch roll damping, and proportional and integral (PI) control gain. These are set as design variables with multiple objectives and constraints including performance and robustness. The model parameter is allowed to vary up to 10% of the nominal value. The worst-case gain result was then used to evaluate the performance of the controller obtained by each approach. Overall, the EO result is superior in terms of Dutch roll damping and robustness while other aspects especially in time domain requirement is only slightly better than the result acquired from Systune.


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How to Cite
Y. Kanokmedhakul and N. Pholdee, “Comparison between Equilibrium Optimization and Systune on Aircraft Blank Angle Control”, Def. Technol. Acad. J., vol. 6, no. 13, pp. 42–51, May 2024.
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