Creating Educational Innovation Through Creating Sustainable Impact Innovation

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Kriengsak Chareonwongsak


         In today’s innovative world, knowledge and technology are the key driving factors that are revolutionizing the thinking or the shift of fundamental and foundational mechanisms towards the transformation of society.  Society is thus led to use and develop knowledge, technology and innovation at all levels, particularly in the field of education. Educational innovation will result in new dimensions in education administration which, in turn, enhances the efficacies, the efficiency and the effectiveness of education. Education innovation will bring about sustainable shift which, according to Dr. Dan Can Do’s 8E Efficacy Model, outwin is comprised of six outthroughs, namely, the impact of output, impact of outcome, impact of outdo, impact of outburst, impact of outbound and impact of outlast.

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How to Cite
Chareonwongsak, K. . . (2020). Creating Educational Innovation Through Creating Sustainable Impact Innovation. National interest, 1(1), 58–65. retrieved from
Academic articles


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