Spatial development: crisis, visions and strategies

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Viktor Shcherbyna


  The article deals with the problem of theoretical understanding of spatial development, as well as the author's concept of its study and approach to the formation of relevant policies.
  The author proposes to distinguish between "developed" societies, capable of purposefully shaping their own space, and "undeveloped" ones, capable only of adapting to spontaneous changes in their own space.
  The article highlights two strategies for spatial development - revolutionary and evolutionary. According to the author's approach, it is necessary to study the socio-cultural environment in a particular territory as a unique composition of social practices, historically self-reproducing on the basis of typological cultural patterns – traditional, modern, communicative.
  The author comes to the conclusion that spatial development strategies focused only on one of the cultural patterns lead to the fact that part of the population perceives the policy of implementing spatial development programs as alien to itself, and this creates additional tension in the processes of transformation of societies. Therefore, in the process of forming spatial development projects, along with economic studies of the characteristics of social space, it is necessary to conduct studies of the cultural patterns that are inherent in the people who form it.
  The author believes that the harmonization of social practices that are formed on the basis of and within the framework of various cultural patterns is one of the tasks of the policy of spatial development and a factor in the sustainability of society. Therefore, cultural policy should imply comprehensive support for the development of all cultural patterns on the basis of a dialogue of cultures. Regulators from different modes provide social communication and exchange on the scale of family and tribal, communal integrity, the nation state and on the scale of global communities.

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