Flora and fauna on commemorative coins of the National Bank of Ukraine
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Coins are one of the symbols of Ukrainian statehood. Images of their obverse and reverse help to form the national consciousness of Ukrainians, love for their native land and people, which is especially relevant in times of war. The purpose of this article is to review and classify commemorative coins of the National Bank of Ukraine from the "Flora and Fauna" series. The following classification features are defined: metal, coin denomination, minting quality category, image on the reverse. The research used data from the National Bank of Ukraine on numismatic products for 1995–2022; methods of analysis, classification, and generalization are applied. It was revealed that during 1995–2022, the National Bank of Ukraine issued 54 commemorative coins in the "Flora and Fauna" series: 31 – german silver, 23 – silver. The denomination of the coins was: 2 hryvnias – 26 coins, 5 hryvnias – 5 coins, 10 hryvnias – 23 coins. The minting quality categories of these coins were: uncirculated – 1, ordinary – 12, proof – 21, special uncirculated – 20. On the obverse of coins with representatives of flora and fauna, put into circulation until 2022, there is a small State Coat of Arms of Ukraine, inscriptions and the mint mark of the Banknote Printing and Minting Works of the National Bank of Ukraine in the frame of a wreath formed from images of certain types of flora and fauna. The reverse of the commemorative coins depicts representatives of flora and fauna, classified into the following groups: flora – 5, mammals – 8, birds – 5, insects – 2, fish – 3, crustaceans – 1. Several commemorative coins are dedicated to zoos, arboretum and steppe reserve.
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