Aerodynamics Design and Optimization of Supersonic 122 mm DTI Rocket by Using Computational Fluid Dynamics
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The purpose of this paper is to analyze the static and dynamic coefficients of the 122 mm DTI-2 rocket with MRV-U warhead by using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). Optimization method is also employed to design the warhead of DTI-2 rocket for enhancing the range performance in supersonic regimes (Mach 1.5 - 4). The analysis results show that the static and dynamic coefficients are agreed well with the available wind tunnel data. They are within 10% and 15% for static and dynamic coefficients, respectively throughout the whole range of operating Mach number. For the optimization processes coupled with CFD simulation, the optimization result shows that the new warhead design provides lower drag results when compared with the benchmark MRV-U warhead, while remains statically and dynamically stable. The optimum design total drag is reduced about 6%. The reduced drag can be clearly representing the possibility of enhancing the range performance of the optimum design.
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