Fundamentals, Status, and Research Development on Anode Materials Based Mesoporous Carbons for Sodium-Ion Batteries
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The development of energy production and storage technologies with low-cost and safety is the truly global coalition of every country for carbon neutrality by 2050. During the past decade, lithium-ion battery (LIB) advancement has improved today’s modern world and empowered the world’s electric grids. LIBs have been widely deployed in the portable electronics market and electrical vehicle mobility. The concerns for Li availability are increasing due to expected demand growth associated with the significant increase in the LIB market. Therefore, whether LIBs alone can satisfy the rapid development of large-format energy storage systems (ESSs) remains unclear. To mitigate these issues, the researchers have focused on alternative energy storage systems. Sodium-ion batteries (SIBs) are the promising alternatives for large-scale energy storage due to the similar operating principle, low cost, and abundance of sodium. Due to their high energy density (ranging between 160 - 220 Wh kg¯1 ), specific capacity, and long cycle life, SIBs have also been successfully applied to unmanned aerial vehicles. Mesoporous carbon materials, transition metal sulfides, and carbon/transition metal compound composites are considered as the promising anode materials for SIBs in order to improve electrochemical sodium storage behavior. This article systematically summarizes the latest research progress of materials and proposes future directions for SIBs. This presents the implication of SIBs from detailing the importance of anode materials.
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